In 1904, fourteen stockholders organized Farmers National Bank with a $25,000 capital investment and opened its doors at 115 Shelbyville Street, Center, Texas. In 1915, the name and charter were changed to Farmers State Bank, a state chartered community bank dedicated to providing for the consumer and commercial business needs of the citizens of Shelby County. Today, Farmers State Bank is composed of five full-service locations and two loan offices with the home office in the original location in Center, Texas.
Farmers State Bank serves as a source of financial strength to meet the needs of its market areas by offering a comprehensive range of financial products and services to meet the needs of individuals, businesses and government entities.
Farmers State Bank supports the local communities in countless community sponsored activities. Everyone at Farmers State Bank takes responsibility for providing outstanding service to our customers. It is individual commitment that delivers real results to our customers and community.
Whether it be with direct personal contact with our customers or with the use of the extensive online services offered, Farmers State Bank remains dedicated to the tradition of being a true “Community Bank”.